Your style reflects who you are.
Style and success
We are not born with innate style – but we can learn
to become stylish:
From someone who knows from personal experience what
the occasion demands. From someone who is comfortable
in an environment where luxury and elegance are a way
of life. From someone who knows the distinctive look of
'style' for both women and men.
A stylist can help you look classy and confident. A professional
stylist is as individual as you are, dressing you for
the occasion and accentuating your best features, so that
you can look stylish, elegant and chic. Style means always
looking your most attractive.
Basics & Effect
From head to toe, I will establish the basics of your
Which colour puts the sparkle in your eyes? What are
the different ways to wear a scarf and how to revitalise
an outfit? Where to find the appropriate lingerie to match
an evening dress? How to combine a small choice of selected
pieces and accessorise them with jewellery, belts, scarves,
bags, shoes and hats to match your style and to shine
at each event.
Class & Challenge
Taking advantage of my experience of working with world-class
clients, it will be a pleasure for me to find the very
style for you alone.
Whether you are sitting in the first row of a fashion
show or enjoying yourself with a small circle of friends,
success is a question of style.
Are you ready for your 'entrance'? Click on “The
Boudoir”, and read more about it.